Tillsonburg Countryside Headshot Mini-Session | Jessica

I offered to do some head shots for my most amazing sister-in-law, Jessica! Well, all my sisters-in-law (or is it sister-in-laws?) are pretty amazing, but Jessica is one of my closest ones! Jess is originally from Alberta and came here to work, more as an adventure than anything else. And whom else did she meet, but my handsome brother-in-law! She wasn’t so sure about him at first (maybe I’m lying 😉 ), but when Brian asked Jess on a date at a tractor pull, she didn’t have to think twice!

When I finally got the chance to meet Jess, we clicked fairly quickly! She is an absolutely amazing young lady, hard working and it’s no wonder Brian fell hard! He changed almost overnight from a bit of a brat (don’t tell him I said that!) to someone who so clearly found the love of his life. When Brian and Jess got engaged, we were all super surprised as they told us they were going to get married only a few short months later! But when you know, you know, and they definitely knew! Jess now runs Jessica Velthove Designs; a very successful sign-making business (click here to see some of her amazing work!), and I think I’m her biggest fan. Anyway, I won’t keep you any longer, meet Jess and her two fur-babies!

Meet another brother-in-law’s family here!

BTW, these images are all taken at their beautiful country home near Tillsonburg, I can’t wait to see what Jess is going to make of the property once it’s warm enough to work on it!

They say a smile is a curve that sets everything straight. And this lady’s smile lights up the world!

And those dogs, though! Aren’t they gorgeous?!

And now the snow is back! I can’t help but look at these images and imagine a bit more green, and I’m in my happy place! How about you?

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