Family Session at The Old Courthouse in London | Family “F”

Meet the Fernandes family. They have been married for 25 years and have since then added four daughters to the bunch. I met most of the family for the first time at this London Courthouse family session, but I had the pleasure of meeting this mom of four over two years ago. And I really got to know her. Mom “F” was a Nurse Practitioner in the NICU where Stella was born. I think I saw her more days than not in the 120 days that Stella was in the hospital.

See, the amazing thing is that she’s had a very similar experience to mine. And the fact that she shared her story made me know that she knew what I was experiencing. The main thing that was different was that her pregnancy was a twin pregnancy. That’s right, Bianca and Meghan (the two girls on the right in the first image) were premature, due to the same reason as my daughter! And what’s most incredible is that they are both now in university. In fact, the oldest three are all in different universities. They’re studying important things like Law, Education, and Science I believe. I can imagine that their parents are very proud.

I know that they were excited to have all their girls (& Brady, Michaela’s boyfriend) home for Christmas, and I can imagine why! These girls have the kindest parents as examples, and you can sense that they genuinely care about you when you chat with them. Being part of a big group hug at the end of their session indeed confirmed that. Michaela, Bianca, Meghan, and Nicole, stay humble and kind! It’s okay to wear your heart on your sleeve. You never know when you will impact a stranger the way you impacted me.

Brady & Michaela, the love you two have for each other is adorable. I wish you many more happy years together; may they be as amazing as the first four! Mr. & Mrs. “F”, I know you both lead busy lives. However, you’ve done a phenomenal job with your daughters. They really love you; it is so obvious, even though it was super cold! Happy anniversary to you both! My family and I wish you many more happy years together.

Look at these four, and imagine how much fun it would be to have a genuine picture like this with your own siblings!

Aaaaaaah! This would have to be my favourite capture of the entire session, because… well, look at these gorgeous smiles!!!

Michaela and Brady, you two are so amazing, I really felt honoured to photograph you two having so much fun together!

This location was perfect on the day of this session! Just a little bit of snow on the ground and some gorgeous people made my job super easy.

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