I can honestly say that this session has been so long coming (we first had to wait for little Wade to arrive), and it is one of my biggest accomplishments to date! This is exactly what I look for in weather, outfits, and amazing clients! I am the luckiest girl in the world right now, because of this family (and others like them). I can’t believe y’all allow me to do this and I get paid for it! Like, whaaaaat?
I’ve known Paulina for quite some time, I believe we even served together at the Village Restaurant way back in the day. But as Ryan’s aunt lived beside us at our last home, we saw a bit of these two here and there. And now they have 3 boys and a fur-baby!!! Life turns out so different than we think sometimes, doesn’t it?
Paulina and Ryan are one of the kindest parents I have had the privilege of meeting. The way the love and dote on their boys is incredible! Rowan, Troy, and Wade are so lucky to have you.
Rowan is three (he was pretty excited to tell me a bunch of times), and he is ready to start Junior Kindergarten. I can imagine your Mama is going to be a little less busy with you around all day, but at the same time will miss your little laugh around the house and Troy will likely miss his playmate.
Troy, you are just so sweet. The way you give your Mama kisses and just get up after getting a boo-boo. You’re such an active little monkey! Even though you weren’t too keen on having a camera in your face, you didn’t hold it against me. Thank you for putting up with me, and going for a little walk to find some flowers!
Baby Wade, even though you don’t let your Mama have a lot of rest, you are adorable, so we will forgive you!
Ryan and Paulina, thank you for being such awesome clients. For being open to any suggestions I put forward, even though some of them sounded crazy. And for just being amazing human beings! You both are an inspiration. I cannot wait to see you raise your boys to be incredible human beings themselves. I know it’s scary at times, but with God’s help, you can do this.
I’m going to leave it at that, and let you enjoy these six (oh, did I forget to mention Duke the dog? You’re going to love him!) at one of my favourite locations.
I mean, c’mon, you two! You are so awesome together!!!
See this Mama with this little one still in her belly HERE!
Hello Mr. Duke!
This location is in my top three! See another DVI session at Waterford Ponds HERE.