And my favourite location never disappoints! This Norfolk County trails family session was done about a 2 minute walk from my home, which is only one of the many reasons why it’s my favourite! Some of the other reasons are the incredible amount of different backgrounds, the fact that while it’s overgrown, my neighbours keep a nice walking trail semi-maintained by using it as a four-wheeler path, and currently the incredible amount of golden rods! I am so excited to finally have a session at this location, it’s my first this year, and I have another one planned this week already! I’d love to hear what you think of this location!!!
Ken and Rianne lost most of their house in a house fire earlier this year, just days after she had a difficult delivery of their youngest child. I could not imagine how heartbroken they must be, and not knowing the severity of their loss, I offered to help them create some new memories that we can safely keep online, for her to enjoy for years to come. So meet them and and their beautiful children, Jayden, Mariah, and Curtis.
Jayden is a mischievous little man who I had the privilege of meeting at his Nana and Grandpa’s Grandparent Session. At that time he wasn’t interested in me, but who would be, with all of his cousins around? This time he gave me the biggest smiles and the highest jumps. Jayden is in Preschool, already, will you believe that?
Mariah, you are an adorable little peanut with the cutest pigtails and the most amazing smile! This little girl was right in the dirt with her brother, eating it and looking for treasure right along side of him. Rianne, I’m sure you have your hands full with her!
Curtis, you are a true miracle, and you can see that your Mommy and Daddy cherish you so much. He was sitting a little better than last time, which helped us get some really cute shots, and when Daddy came to our aid to get some great smiles, his grin reached from ear to ear. I’m so thankful for miracles like you, little man!
Ken and Rianne, I am so thankful that I was able to capture your growing children (and the two of you, of course) at this time of their lives. I know you cherish them, it was so evident, but here’s just one more reminder that they grow up sooooo fast. I hope you love these images as much as I do! Thank you for making it such a blast, like all of my clients do.
I mean, look at this little man’s lashes! So adorable…
And then, we found some pumpkins! Look at that, all matchy matchy! They’re now sitting on my front porch, but there was definitely some throwing involved!