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They looked each other in the eyes as they described what they so loved about each other. In front of all of their guest, in a dim lit hall with candles flickering on every table. Every guest was quiet. In awe. There were few dry eyes in the room as these two thanked each other […]

Royal Botanical Gardens Wedding | Mark & Leona


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Her eyes glistened with mischievous intent, and her arms went up. She twirled around and around until she lost her balance and collapsed in a bunch of giggles. Her mom and I couldn’t help but laugh. The residue of the sprinkles on her cheeks was the perfect touch. The sugar-filled donut likely added to her […]

Donuts & Sprinkles for Lauryn | Norwich 2-Year Birthday Session


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I’m locked in my office. Well, not actually locked in, but enough so that my kids don’t see that I’m in there. The noise can be distracting, but I’m getting better at tuning it out. Then something happens. They all laugh! Not just Jenelle, or one of the boys. No, every single one, including my […]

What It’s Like Being a Mompreneur


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Wedding photography is not just what I do. It’s my passion and so much more! I live for the look on a groom’s face when he first sees his bride! The emotion of a bride being walked up the aisle by her father is almost tangible to me! My job means so much to me […]

The First Vendor A Bride Should Book

Tips for Brides

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Snuggled up on the steps of the University College building on Western University’s campus in London is the cutest and sweetest couple ever; Meg & Kevin. Looking out over “the Hill”, now deserted because it’s cold and covered in snow, they were reluctant to get up to walk to the next location. And I’d probably […]

A Western University Campus Engagement Session | Meaghan & Kevin


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Oh, what a super cold day it was this past Friday for this Elm Hurst winter wedding! Cold, but so beautiful! The sun came through the clouds so often during the day that suffering through the temperatures made it all worth it. I only met Lydia and Richard a few months ago at our consultation, […]

Elm Hurst Winter Wonderland Wedding | Lydia & Richard


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Meet the Fernandes family. They have been married for 25 years and have since then added four daughters to the bunch. I met most of the family for the first time at this London Courthouse family session, but I had the pleasure of meeting this mom of four over two years ago. And I really […]

Family Session at The Old Courthouse in London | Family “F”


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And another engagement session! This one means so much to me. Well, actually to both of us! My dear husband came along dutifully and carried bags and coats when necessary. Meet Mark, our dear friend, and his gorgeous fiancé, Leona. We spent the day enjoying this Ball’s Falls and Niagara Falls engagement session, and made […]

Niagara Falls & Ball’s Falls Engagement Session | Leona & Mark


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My little nephew Marshall is the newest addition to my husband’s side of the family, and he is so loved! This Tillsonburg newborn lifestyle session was the first newborn session for me in a while. I was so honoured when Jessica asked me to capture these moments. Marshall’s story begins more than a year ago […]

Tillsonburg Newborn Lifestyle Session | Baby Marshall


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